Lead By Example


Lead by Example

As parents or anyone in a role model position, it is up to you to set the example and foundation you want for your children, and loved ones. If you want your children or others to make good choices , to be healthy and fit ,to loose excess weight (if they need to) and to live a better life, you must be doing that yourself. You cannot expect a someone to make choices, that are better than the ones you do. you cannot expect them to live better if you do not. If you wish anyone to be better and to treat their health better, lead by example not by words and the rest will follow. Stock your fridge and pantry with good nutritious foods, plenty of fruits and veggies and not commercialized, processed fake foods. Keep water bottles, coconut water or homemade iced tea (without additives and sugars) in the fridge for hydration. Get rid of sugary ,processed and fake foods that set a trap for everyone in your home. Small changes and changes that are done as a team and with a support system are more successful and easier than when we face things alone

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