Your Health is Your Wealth
Package option 1:
Ideal for those simply wanting to make better choices and take steps towards better health
. It includes the following:
- Initial 90-120 minute consultation
- Follow Up Consultation- Receive Program, Guides and Printouts
- 1 Review Session -45min (2-3Wks into Program)
- Email Support
Before the Initial Consult Client Fills out a questionnaire and emails it through.
Client Receive:
- a personalised custom designed Meal Plan to suit their lifestyle, goals and preferences
- Printouts of Alternatives to use, Shopping Guide,
- Recipe Booklet (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, Snack, Treat and Smoothies)
- Goal Plan
Package 2
Ideal for those wanting a complete dietary makeover, get on top of gut problems, eliminate aggravating foods, lose weight, heal acne, regain energy
- Initial 90-120 minute consultation
- Follow Up Consultation- Receive Program
- Printouts of Alternatives to use, Shopping Guide,
- 2 x 45min Review Session (2-3Wks into Program and at 5-6wks)
- Email Support
Before the Initial Consult Client Fills out a questionnaire and emails it through.
Client Receive:
- a personalised custom designed Meal Plan to suit their lifestyle, goals and preferences
- Vitamins and Supplements to take
- Printouts of Alternatives to use, Shopping Guide,
- Recipe Booklet (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, Snack, Treat and Smoothies)
- Where to eat ( Eating out options in your area e.g.: Vegan friendly places)
- Goal Plan, Motivation and Affirmations
Package Option 3:
Ideal for those wanting to achieve specific training, sports, and exercise nutrition goals. Focusing on macros, meeting specific dietary needs and achieving a specific goal.
- Initial 90-120 minute consultation
- Follow Up Consultation- Receive Program
- Printouts of Alternatives to use, Shopping Guide,
- 4 x 45min Review Session (2-3Wks into Program, at 5-6wks,and 7-8wks )
- Email Support and accountability reviews
Before the Initial Consult Client Fills out a questionnaire and emails it through.
Client Receive:
- a personalised custom designed Meal Plan to suit their lifestyle, goals and preferences. Macro Balanced and Designed in depth for you.
- Vitamins, Protein and Training and Health Supplements to take
- Printouts of Alternatives to use, Shopping Guide,
- Specialised Recipe Booklet (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, Snack, Treat and Smoothies) that focuses on training and goals needs
- Goal Plan, Motivation and Affirmations
Private Programs
Online Consultation
Nutritional and Well-being Coaching conducted via online platform. Ideal for international/interstate client or those unable to travel.
Online Accountability and Support Consultations
45 min*
Designed to keep you on track, address issues and make adjustments if needed to you program. Review goals and tasks and actions taken
*some sessions may take longer so price may vary
In Person Initial Consultation
Review aspects of your life in order to understand factors that may be affecting you and to create a personalised treatment plan that will be successful. We discuss goals, current habits, your circumstances, health history and nutritional psychology. From this information we will be able to design your program.
After this we book in a follow up consultation
In Person Follow-up Consultation
*Appointment time will depend on the complexity of your situation and support requirements.
In this consultation we go over the review from the initial consult, you are given your program and we break it down and explain it
We organise your action plan and the next steps.
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